Descriere producător
Benincà has always considered it strategic, to have an internal department for mechanical and electronic design. We did this because our main objective was to increase know-how, by developing cutting edge products that can satisfy customers and their demands.
Particularly in recent years, with construction of the Benincà Holding company, the R&D department has been enhanced, today becoming an indisputable company strength.
Teamwork and collaboration are the success elements of the R&D BENINCÀ team.
It is in fact due to the continuous exchange of ideas and expertise, that this department is able to design and develop products of excellence, by making the most of each individual component's contribution.
Today this area is a complete department, made up of mechanical and electronic engineers, who work on projects and products on a daily basis with the main objective of satisfaction of the various requirements of the market, and continuous improvement.
In designs of recent years, particular importance has been given to the theme of energy saving and ecological awareness, with development of a patented technology, and a specific product line.
- Preț3,567.62LeiAlimentare motor:230 VPutere pe un motor:340 WTip Motor:Actuator cu melc interiorProducator:Beninca
- Preț952.00LeiAlimentare motor:24 VPutere pe un motor:80 WGreutate maxima poarta:4.2 KgLungime maxima poarta:1.8 mTip Motor:Actuator cu melc interiorProducator:Beninca
- Preț249.90LeiAlimentare:12-28 VCarcasa:Fara carcasa
Producator:Beninca - Preț279.65LeiAlimentare:12-28 VCarcasa:Plastic
Cablat:DAProducator:Beninca - Preț124.95LeiFrecventa:433,92 MHzNumar de functii / canale:4 BucBataia maxima:300 mCOD:SaritorCompatibila cu telecomanda universala Creasol Multi:Varianta noua NUCompatibil cu receptoarele:Beninca RR.2WIVProducator:Beninca
- Preț523.60LeiAlimentare:230 VCarcasa:Plastic
Cablat:DAProducator:Beninca - Preț129.54LeiFrecventa:433,92 MHzNumar de functii / canale:2 BucCOD:SaritorProducator:Beninca
- Preț124.95LeiFrecventa:433,92 MHzNumar de functii / canale:2 BucBataia maxima:230 mCOD:FIX si SARITORProducator:Beninca
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