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Compania DORMA este un partener global de încredere pentru soluții şi servicii de acces premium pentru clădiri mai bune. În segmentele de business cu sisteme de control pentru uşi, pereți mobili și accesorii din sticlă compania este una dintre cele mai bune din lume. Tradiție & tehnologie. Service & securitate. Competență & confort. Indiferent de aplicaţia în care doriţi să folosiţi ușa, compania DORMA are sistemul potrivit pentru a o acţiona.



Corporaţia Panasonic Încă de la înfiinţarea companiei noastre, în 1918, Panasonic a furnizat clienţilor săi soluţii pentru o viaţă mai bună, punând întotdeauna „oamenii” în centrul activităţilor şi concentrându-se pe „vieţile oamenilor”. Mergând mai departe şi bazându-ne pe tehnologia electronică inovatoare, vom oferi o mare varietate de produse, sisteme şi servicii, de la produse electronice de larg consum, până la dispozitive industriale, produse pentru construcţii şi pentru locuinţe. În diverse spaţii şi zone, cum ar fi cele ale caselor, comunităţilor, afacerilor, călătoriilor şi automobilelor, vom continua să depunem eforturi considerabile pentru a le oferi clienţilor un trai mai bun. De asemenea, vom continua sa contribuim la realizarea obiectivului indicat prin sloganul „O viaţă mai bună, o lume mai bună”, pentru fiecare client în parte. Panasonic Europe Ltd. Panasonic îşi desfăşoară activitatea în mai mult de 35 de ţări din Europa şi din regiunea CSI, iar sediul central este în Bracknell, Marea Britanie, având departamente de marketing, vânzări şi alte operaţiuni în Wiesdaben, Germania. În Europa şi CSI, Panasonic are mai mult de 11.000 de angajaţi în domeniul vânzărilor, marketing, producţie, design şi cercetarea stilului de viaţă, precum şi centre R&D şi companii afiliate. Operaţiunile de afaceri în Europa au început în 1962, atunci când Panasonic a înfiinţat primul birou de vânzări în Hamburg, Germania. Panasonic România Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Central and South-East Europe



Fabrica de interfoane In cei 23 de ani de activitate, ELECTRA s-a dezvoltat continuu, fiind astazi o fabrica moderna. In cadrul ELECTRA video interfoanele si sistemele de control acces sunt realizate integral, de la concept si pana la forma finala.


Telcoma / Cardin

Din 1972 Telcoma Automations proiecteaza, produce si distribuie sisteme de automatizare pentru porti si usi de garaj.
In 2011 Tecoma devine parte din grupul Riello Electronica si-si schimba denumirea din Telcoma in Cardin. Astfel, produsele similare care inainte se numeau Telcoma, acum au o noua denumire. Chiar daca la noi pe site apare moua denumire sau cea veche, produsele sunt identice si perfect compatibile. Unele produse apar cu vechea denumire pentru a ajuta clientul final sa-si gaseasca mai usor produsul dorit



Produsele Somfy sunt recunoscute internațional pentru calitatea și fiabilitatea lor, fiind distribuite în peste 40 de țări. Prin intermediul lor, oferim soluții de automatizare care îți fac viața mai ușoară. La achiziție, verificați-le pentru respectarea normelor de autenticitate impuse de Somfy International. Somfy îți face viața mai ușoară! Cu Somfy Home Motion, casa ta devine inteligentă! Vei câștiga spațiu de locuit și vei obține un consum redus de energie. Fii stăpânul locuinței și controlează jaluzelele, copertinele sau ușile de garaj direct din telecomandă.



A worldwide group focused on people, renowned for the innovative solutions designed to make life easier: for installers and end users. Our company focuses on people, seeking constant innovation and a global approach to the market. We are committed to collective and individual continual improvement, aiming to make every access suited to the specific needs, with a perfect marriage of product quality and application flexibility. Since 2004 we have been part of the Somfy group, world leaders, receiving the right stimulus to remain one step ahead. With the idea of continuous development in mind, we have also acquired Sacs and O&O, two Italian firms active on the access management and control market; two ideal partners, with product ranges that complement Bft's. SACS provides a multitude of solutions for the creation of any kind of parking area (from professional, integrated systems to single entries), O&O on the other hand is a leader of the access control sector, and in 40 years of experience has developed a complete range, from motorway barriers to type-approved rising bollards, to anti-terrorism devices. It is precisely due to our avant-garde spirit and the great passion underlying our work that for us the future is now, right in the heart of our business, where innovative, easy to use solutions are developed, to be closer to the people who choose them. We are therefore moving swiftly towards ever-new horizons, sure of being able to open all the doors we find along the way.



Firma RESEL a fost infiintata in anul 1994 avand ca obiectiv principal proiectarea si productia de echipamente si subansamble electronice. Datorita dezvoltarii puternice a aplicatiilor cu sisteme electronice bazate pe principiul RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) firma noastra si-a orientat activitatea spre proiectarea si producerea sistemelor bazate pe tehnologii RFID (citirea prin unde radio, din apropiere - proximitate, a unor informatii continute pe un card, care poate fi de tip breloc, clamshell sau ISOcard, etc.). Principalul avantaj al utilizarii cardurilor bazate pe acest principiu este ca informatia inscrisa pe card poate fi citita sau scrisa fara contact direct intre card si cititor spre deosebire de cazul cardurilor clasice optice sau cu banda magnetica. In acest mod creste fiabilitatea sistemului iar codarea prin mijloace electronice continute pe card face imposibila fraudarea sistemului, prin duplicarea cardurilor de catre persoane neautorizate. Bazandu-ne pe puterea de lucru a unui colectiv tanar de proiectare si experienta acumulata prin producerea si vanzarea in tara a mii de sisteme de interfon cu acces controlat cu carduri de proximitate RFID, producerea si vanzarea de sisteme la cheie pentru urmarirea si gestionarea accesului, inclusiv pontaj pe baza de carduri de proximitate RFID compania noastra poate oferi solutii “la cheie” pentru aplicatii cum ar fi: - sisteme de acces si taxare pentru parcari; - sisteme de dispecerizare automata a transportului public de calatori; - sisteme de taxare automata pentru mijloacele de transport in comun bazate pe carduri de proximitate. Solutionarea oricarei probleme care presupune utilizarea tehnologiilor RFID (proximitate) este la indemana noastra.


Roger Technology

PROFILUL COMPANIEI Cu peste 25 de ani de experientă Roger Technology este una dintre cele mai importante companii italiene. MISIUNEA COMPANIEI Misiunea principală Roger Technology este de a oferi o gamă completă de soluții și produse care datorită organizării interne îi permite să proiecteze, dezvolte și să ofere pieței o gamă largă de sisteme integrate pentru domeniul "Home Automations".



30 years of business have allowed us to grow and mature together with our clients. 30 years of business have made us accomplish firm and refined skills and abilities, which have helped us achieve our goals. 30 years of business have made us become key players in the production sector of gear motors for electric gates. We manufacture our gear motors with our own dies and in semi-continuous production lines, which allow production times to be streamlined, production standards to be improved and prices to be kept as reasonable as possible, apart from allowing the products to be customised according to the clients' demands. But the production process is not everything: success is achieved by means of an efficient and qualified business organisation, ISO 9001: 2000 certification and an excellent internal technical department. This is what makes it possible for us to work closely with our clients when searching for precise technical and business solutions. Not having intermediaries allows us to offer trading conditions that are most favourable to wholesalers, national retailers or importers, who seek a solid, reliable and positive collaboration, which is a key factor in Quality & Convenience. Our wish: another 30 years of business, together with you!



Ultracell (UK) Limited Ultracell, established in 1999 and located in Liverpool, U.K, is a world leader in Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries. As well as having a substantial share of the UK's VRLA market, Ultracell exports its products to more than 60 countries worldwide, in the continents of Europe, South America, Central America, Middle East, Africa and USA. Due to our commitment to provide, high quality, cost effective batteries our customer service is second to none. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and ability to act quickly in bringing new industry leading products to market. Our products are sold in over 60 countries worldwide for a broad range of electronic and industrial applications, where cost effective DC power is required. We are constantly developing new products to keep pace with industry's rapidly changing needs. Ultracell offers continuous, professional support through its internal team of experienced advisers and also through its extensive international distribution network. Customers may have technical, marketing and promotional literature provided to them in their own language prepared by our multi-lingual Sales and Marketing Department. For more information on how to become one of our national or international distributors please contact us at


Life Home Integration

Conceputa in ambientul Grupului AMP, activ din 1972 in sectorul metalului si a pasticul. Traieste noua oportunitate pe care ti-o ofera LIFE vei descoperi ca automatizarea nu are limite si cat de usor este de integrat cu restul casei



Benincà has always considered it strategic, to have an internal department for mechanical and electronic design. We did this because our main objective was to increase know-how, by developing cutting edge products that can satisfy customers and their demands. Particularly in recent years, with construction of the Benincà Holding company, the R&D department has been enhanced, today becoming an indisputable company strength. Teamwork and collaboration are the success elements of the R&D BENINCÀ team. It is in fact due to the continuous exchange of ideas and expertise, that this department is able to design and develop products of excellence, by making the most of each individual component's contribution. Today this area is a complete department, made up of mechanical and electronic engineers, who work on projects and products on a daily basis with the main objective of satisfaction of the various requirements of the market, and continuous improvement. In designs of recent years, particular importance has been given to the theme of energy saving and ecological awareness, with development of a patented technology, and a specific product line.



The automation of spaces is part of our way of being: the home is a moving Habitat , and comfort and safety are daily needs. That’s why we need a brand that is able to satisfy all our needs, because we want the best for ourselves, for our home and for everything that we think is necessary. Now at last we have Byou So we chose Byou as a brand that listens to you; A brand that expresses itself through its users; The right size, the right price ; The right balance between emotion and reason; We want the respect of our role as users and customers; We want the right quality for the right value; we want the using function of what we buy to be guaranteed over time.



History Proteco is starting an important new chapter in its history of home automation systems. It is a passionate path that started in 1971 from a long tradition of business and professional know-how, developed through experimentation and research at the head offices in Castagnito, Italy. The most up-to-date technologies have always been utilised in the continuous evolution of their products, from project conception, through research and manufacturing procedures. With the market demands of home automation rapidly changing, Proteco renews its image & differentiates its services ahead of those needs by cleverly anticipating the changes. The new corporate image is now associated with a well-known brand, recognized by installers and users as synonymous with technology, quality and reliability. Quality mission Proteco automation systems have always embraced safety and reliability. It’s a great credit coming directly from installers and end users’ experiences that rewards a firm and professional job. High quality standards are a top priority that cover strict selection of raw materials, non-stop project refinement and scrupulous monitoring during the whole production process. Each Proteco automation system is thoroughly tested to comply with EN specifications and to ensure end users’ confidence and security in the product that they use. Proteco is undertaking a quality auditing process in order to certificate its commitment to top-level international quality standards.



The company, born in 2001, operates in the electronic and information fields and is specialized in electronic designing and manufacturing, and software/system consulting. Specifically, they operates as: manufacturer of electronic devices designed by them (i.e. receivers, door openers, remote control duplicators) OEM manufacturer electronic boards designer for several different fields, from analog to digital, from DC to microwave: they are specialized in microcontroller boards for high volume production, usign Holtek and Freescale MCUs installer of information-technology systems based on Linux® with email, fax, groupware, file, ftp, web, database, proxy, firewall, Quality of Service, ... installer of AsterTel PBX, a PBX based on Asterisk® which full-support VoIP technologies.

via Santa Croce 15
31053 Pieve di Soligo




Talent, passion and professionalism drive us to measure ourselves daily with an increasingly competitive market, in which we distinguish ourselves by the high reliability and quality of our products, easy to install and use. From when we started, in 1993, DEA System has grown up with ambition, always looking to the future and to develop further: first it took root in its own country and then brought its own Italian challenge abroad, openingbranches in and outside Europe. A challenge that feeds on innovation, continuous research, and constant improvement in performance technology. We study the market needs to satisfy it with flexible and complementary products, suitable to the most varied requirements of installation. Highly reliable technology fully designed, manufactured and tested in Italy. For this DEA System has created DEA Electron, a Business Unit that develops and manufactures high quality electronic with high standards of control and certified results. We study the market needs to satisfy you with flexible and complementary products often on hybrid and highly reliable installations because they are entirely designed, built and tested in Italy. The tenacity in achieving the goals has allowed us to scale up not only nationally but also abroad, with the opening of offices in Spain, Poland, France, Portugal, United Kingdom, and summer 2012, Belarus and Russia. DEA is freedom of movement. We seek the pleasure to satisfy you every day all over the world.



Ditec Entrematic Ditec automatic entrances and doors offer a great deal of benefits. Installed internally and externally to residential and commercial buildings, they allow building entrances to be safely, practically, smartly and hygienically controlled. All Ditec automations are able to control access, to entice people to enter and, in air conditioned areas, to ensure optimal energy savings.



Since 1985, the company LIEVORE SRL is developing and producing, with its own brand MATT, the automation for private and industrial gates. The whole range of products includes motors for sliding and swing gates, automatic barriers and all accessories for the automation control and safety, like remotes, photocells, lamps and so on. LIEVORE SRL produces every components and accessories in Italy, rigorously controlling them before and during the assembling of the motors. All the gears inside the motors, as well as screws, crown gears, posts in various high-quality materials like C40 steel, AVP drawn steel, bronze, cast iron are produced inside the company, which is working in the field of turning and rectification since more than 30 years. The style “Made in Italy“ distinguishes all products MATT. The 80% of the total turnover is exported abroad thanks to profitable relationships with distributors and partners. The company is constantly looking for new partners in order to develop new partnerships



Introduction Moteck is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer. Our products are CE, UL, DEKRA, KEMA, PSE and RoHs certificated. We produce linear actuator, gear motor and control that are designed to provide automation solution for diversified applications. Vision & Mission 『excellent bussiness, learning life, better world』is our vision on Sustanability. In the process of making an enterprise to be excellent, we try to make our people learning life from their works and meanwhile contribute to human beings and the world. In other words, through self cultivation we work together to develope team culture and encourage team potential, then lead to a harmonious society and expect to develope a more peaceful and beautiful world. Quality Policy "Precision, efficiency, responsibility, elegance and the highest satisfaction to our customers" is the policy of our quality management.



COMPANY INTRODUCTION COMMAX, a company specializing in smart home that creates value and safety of life We’re creating value and safety of life any customers deserve to enjoy, while leading global market with advanced technical power and differentiated products. COMMAX is a company specializing in smart home that marks 47th anniversary this year, since established as Central Electronic Industry in 1968. COMMAX is creating value and safety of life any customers deserve to enjoy, while leading global market with advanced technical power and differentiated products spanning from interphone, video phone, smart home system to security solutions. 40 years of globalization, the Global Top Brand that exports to 120 countries all over the world COMMAX is a Global Top Brand beloved at all over the world. It completes global standard with full lineup of products and systems satisfying different local market environments and requirements, as well as providing standardized products and services by means of glocalization strategy, of which target on the globalization and localization at the same time, along with accumulated technologies and know-hows.



About Vidicode Vidicode is a trademark of Ecosoft BV Vidicode designs, develops and manufactures sophisticated communication solutions, such as digital telephone recorders, digital audio recorders, professional answering equipment, network fax servers and voice recorders. We have been active now for over 30 years in over 35 countries. Our strength lies with our dedicated development team and the close cooperation with our distributors and resellers. Being a company driven by the passion for functional technology we aim to bring the customers solutions that are easy to implement and maintain. Flexibility is standard practice. Customer needs are not always the same. Some customers require special adaptations to the existing hard or software we supply. The Vidicode developers strive to accomodate these wishes at reasonable prices and short delivery times. This flexibility is something that makes us stand out and puts our distributors and resellers in a better position to provide the best solutions.



Polycom – liderul în industria de colaborare unificată: soluţii video, audio şi de distribuire a conţinutului



Rosslare Security Products, a division of Rosslare Enterprises Ltd. manufactures and markets high-quality security products through its worldwide offices and channel partners. Since its inception in 1980, Rosslare implements the latest technologies for its corporate, residential, and institutional products and systems.



About Kantech Nothing is more vital to the health of an organization than making sure that its people, material assets and operations are safe and secure. Access control addresses the full scope of risks that might arise, including risks that other security systems such as burglar alarms and intrusion detection simply are not designed to handle


SVT Electronics

Peste 7 ani de experiență și de profesionalism dovedite •7 ani de existență. Anul 2006 marchează momentul înființării companiei SVT Electronics, cu un capital integral privat și un concept de afacere 100 % românesc. •7 ani de experiență concretă. Începuturile activităţii noastre s-au centrat pe dezvoltarea de echipamente electronice diverse, din domeniul electronicii industriale, în cadrul unor parteneriate cu firme de renume mondial, dintre care Fujitsu Microelectronics este un exemplu. Iar experiența concretă în acest domeniu a reprezentat câștigul nostru. Începând cu anul 2007 am demarat producerea de produse proprii, cu scopul clar declarat de a ne poziția în rândul furnizorilor de top, atât la nivel național, cât și la nivel internațional. •7 ani de know-how. Echipa noastră de ingineri reprezintă inima business-ului nostru. Celor 7 ani de know-how colectiv, în domeniul dezvoltării de echipamente electronice, li se adaugă experiența personală, pasiunea și ingeniozitatea fiecăruia dintre membrii echipei noastre. •7 ani de furnizare de produse și de servicii profesioniste. Business-ul nostru este axat pe 2 direcții principale: •Dezvoltarea și vânzarea de produse proprii: Echipamente pentru descărcarea Tachografelor digitale și prelucrarea datelor ; Echipamente de comunicare industrială; Sisteme de control acces și de pontaj; Soluții de identificare RFID și de identificare biometrică; •Comercializarea de echipamente industriale provenite din import. •7 ani de creștere constantă. Dezvoltarea business-ului, lărgirea constantă a portofoliului de clienți, crearea continuă de relații de parteneriat, dorința de activare serioasă pe plan național și internațional, reprezintă termenii-cheie care definesc SVT Electronics. •7 ani de dezvoltare continuă. Lumea este într-o permanentă schimbare. Și noi împreună cu ea. Suntem conștienți de faptul că setul de valori și viziuneacompaniei ne ghidează dezvoltarea ca furnizor de top de soluții pentru clienții și partenerii noștri: •Valorile care ne definesc: Calitate în ceea ce privește serviciile și produsele noastre; Responsabilitate în ceea ce privește misiunea pe care dorim să o îndeplinim; Seriozitate în ceea ce privește relația noastră cu partenerii și cu clienții; •Viziunea noastră: Să devenim un furnizor de top de echipamente specifice transportatorilor rutieri, atât la nivel național, cât și internațional. •7 ani de participare activă în folosul comunității de transportatori rutieri. Ne propunem să fim în pas cu timpul și cu nevoile clienților și partenerilor noștri. Iar dezvoltarea de noi aplicații și sisteme pentru echipamentele electronice rutiere este ținta pe care ne propunem să o atingem și să o depășim. •7 ani în ajutorul antreprenorilor prin soluții pentru managementul personalului: sisteme de control acces și pontaj dezvoltate de echipa noastră. Dorim să dezvoltăm aplicați bazate pe identificare prin care să oferim soluție pentru majoritatea necesitățiilor cum ar fi SPA și piscine, parcări cu plată, hoteluri, piețe etc.



AVTECH, founded in 1996, is one of the world’s leading CCTV manufacturers. With stably increasing revenue and practical business running philosophy, AVTECH has been ranked as the largest public-listed company among the Taiwan surveillance industry. AVTECH makes every effort on the innovation of technology, product and implementation. Based on years of research and industry experience, AVTECH has obtained a leading position on mobile platform support and provides a full range of surveillance products. EagleEyes, AVTECH’s self-developed mobile application software, is the world’s most downloaded surveillance software. It realizes full-functioned remote control and fulfills the market with growing demands of smart phones and tablets. In 2010, Push Video, a revolutionary active notification system, was introduced on EagleEyes and has been applied to AVTECH’s full range products. Once the alarm is triggered, no later than 5 seconds, a video clip including 5 sec. pre-event recording will be sent to the mobile devices. This technology brings a tremendous change to the industry. It makes surveillance an active protector instead of a passive evidence provider. With strong market base on analog solutions, AVTECH has also made a breakthrough to meet the coming new era of IP surveillance. New generation standalone NVR is the simplest solution that integrates video surveillance, remote control, and storage. With its support of plug & play technology to simplify the complicated network configurations, all the IP configurations can be completed within 3 minutes automatically. This NVR solution offers users an easy way to record and playback a video on intranet. Furthermore, it serves as NAS for remote offsite backup on the Internet to make a copy of your important images. It supports Full HD 1080P display, giving the best image quality on LCD / LED monitors and showing its advantages completely. A more impressive thing is that it can be configured to be a data source for a CMS (Central Management System) to maximize the efficiency of IP-based surveillance and remote backup. AVTECH is a company that is willing to embrace challenges, implement new technology, and bring new vision into the industry. We made differences and will continue to do so



Bentel Security has established itself as a security benchmark; a leader in product design and manufacturing of a complete range of intrusion security and fire alarm control equipment and accessories. Partnerships Bentel supplies its superior products to world-wide markets through a fully professional and sophisticated distribution network. LEARN



It’s precisely 50 years since our founder, Vittorio Comunello, started on his pioneering adventure to build a company for the production of components for sliding gates. The company was an instant success and has maintained its reputation and market position based on innovative solutions and an unrivalled reputation for absolute quality. 50 years of precision in the manufacture of perfect components, maintaining pace with the evolution of the most advanced technologies while guaranteeing complete security and safety.


Combi Arialdo

COMBIARIALDO is the story of an enterprise concept that has been able to transform the potential of its origins in skilled workmanship into a modern multinational reality,where cutting edge technology and care for the customer have founded a success that lives in thousands of industrial complexes throughout the world, day in day out, open their doors with Combiarialdo. A comprehensive range of components for any type of gate or industrial door, which is the result of over thirty years' experience and cutting edge, integrated production plant, where everything is underpinned towards always offering the most precise, professional and reliable answer even to the most special requirements.


Conlan Danemarca

Foundation Everyone who works with technological products knows that you have to stay ahead to be part of the game. We know that too. But we do not think that new and innovative technology is enough, when you choose your access control system or access control reader. We also value: •Ensuring the quality of our products so they live up to their reputation. •Being responsible for our products – even after the bill is paid. •Nursing relationships with customers through counselling and first rate support. As our customer, you will find that we put your needs first and take responsibility for what we deliver. We counsel you based on your requirements, whether we can meet them ourselves or whether we must refer you to another supplier. And if you are unsatisfied with a product, we do not let go, until we have found a solution. Our top priority is to encourage you to call us, the next time you need counseling or new functions for your access control. Our inspiration “The trouble with opportunity is that it always comes disguised as hard work,” Herbert V. Prochnow once said. We do not only see the opportunity in new technology. We try it out, put it in production and assess the value, it might bring you. Some opportunities turn into that one access control system that will make your day easier. Others are part of the learning curve. We seek inspiration and opportunities in our professional network but most ideas arise from the real challenges of our customers. We would love to hear about yours as well. What frames our work Conlan belongs in the north of Denmark, in the industrial heart of the city of Aal­borg. Since 1991, we have seen many businesses come and go, and we are conscious of what it takes to stay ahead in a changing environment. Conlan is a small business with a flexible production. We quickly create custom solutions and continuously try out new technologies. And when something strikes us as particularly interesting the process from idea to production is often short.



Dahua Technology is a world-leading security equipment manufacturer. Our company enjoys the world’s second largest market share according to the IMS 2015 report. We believe on investing and building strong R&D capabilities for new technology and innovation. Our company invests almost 10% of sales revenue every year. We have more than 3000 professionals in our R&D team, dedicated to providing cutting edge products with high quality and performance. Dahua’s solutions are designed to be scalable and modular to provide flexible configuration options. Our company has a patent portfolio with 442 patents and we license our technology to other manufacturers. Our company’s product portfolio includes: Advanced Video Surveillance Equipment and Software, Access Control Hardware and Software, Intrusion Hardware, and Intelligent Building Management Systems. Dahua’s products are widely used in many fields, such as banking, public security, energy infrastructure, telecommunication, intelligent-building, and intelligent-transportation. Many significant projects have been installed with Dahua’s solutions including: The Three Gorges Hydropower Plant, Six-Country Summit, Olympic Venues, Shanghai World Expo, UNESCO site in Italy, and the London Underground as well as many others. Dahua has established sales, marketing and service networks globally. Our company has offices in mainland China, greater Asia, the Americas, Europe, Oceania, Africa and others. Our global footprint makes responding to the market with the best service and products possible.



Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe DESPRE DAIKIN Daikin este un producător şi furnizor de echipamente HVAC (încălzire, ventilaţie şi aer condiţionat), inclusiv pompe de căldură şi soluţii de refrigerare, deținând poziția de lider la nivel global. Compania furnizează soluţii inovatoare şi superioare de climatizare, pentru a satisface nevoile în schimbare ale clienţilor rezidenţiali, comerciali şi industriali. DESPRE DAIKIN CENTRAL EUROPE Daikin Central Europe se află în Brunn am Gebirge, lângă Viena, Austria. Compania a fost înfiinţată în 1999 şi are rolul unui sediu regional pentru 15 ţări din Europa Centrală şi de Est (ECE). Aproximativ 180 de angajaţi din cele 6 birouri DAIKIN din Brunn am Gebirge, Praga, Bratislava, Budapesta, Zagreb şi Bucureşti se ocupă de vânzările şi service-ul produselor Daikin din Albania, Austria, Bosnia şi Herţegovina, Bulgaria, Croaţia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Muntenegru, Republica Cehă, România, Serbia, Slovacia, Slovenia şi Ungaria. Daikin Central Europe a încheiat anul fiscal 2013 cu o cifră de afaceri de 127 milioane EUR. GAMA DE PRODUSE Pentru clienţii rezidenţiali: Sisteme de aer condiţionat split pentru răcire şi încălzire Pompe de căldură (aer-apă, sursă subterană şi hibride) şi sisteme cu panouri solare DAIKIN Altherma Soluţii de încălzire ROTEX (pompe de căldură aer-apă, hibride şi cu sursă subterană, centrale termice pe ulei şi pe gaz, sisteme cu panouri solare şi încălzire sub pardoseală) Purificatoare de aer inclusiv echipamente de umidificare a aerului Pentru aplicaţiile comerciale şi industriale: VRV Sky Air pentru clădiri comerciale şi de servicii Sisteme aplicate: sisteme hidronice, agregate de răcire Unităţi de condensare Refrigerare: răcire pentru supermarketuri, refrigerare normală şi congelare Sisteme de ventilaţie Toate produsele Daikin sunt produse într-o manieră ecologică şi au o eficiență energetică sporită.



Security is What We Do DSC (Digital Security Controls) is a world leader in electronic security. Since the company’s genesis, the experts at DSC have been leading the way. From our revolutionary control panels, to our industry-leading IP alarm monitoring products and now to our sleek, contemporary self-contained wireless panels, DSC has always been front and center in the security space. From a Proud History We Lead Into the Future Founded in 1979, DSC has a proud history of innovation. We introduced the industry’s first small and attractive security keypads and micro-processor-based alarm panels that set new standards for performance, convenience and ease-of-use. In 1990 DSC acquired Sur-Gard, a competitor specializing in central station monitoring equipment, and in 1998, added to the family of brands with the acquisition of Italian security product manufacturer, Bentel. The DSC Group was acquired by Tyco International in 2002 and DSC, Sur-Gard and Bentel became individual brands under the Tyco Fire & Security portfolio. In 2007 Tyco separated into three independent, publicly traded companies with DSC moving under the new Tyco International banner. In the 21st century, DSC continues to innovate in the areas of superior security monitoring, Internet security communications and wireless security products. We design and manufacture security control panels, detection devices, communication products and structured cabling solutions and our products are in homes and businesses across the globe. A Global Brand with the Highest Standards DSC is a global brand with its headquarters in Toronto. We are recognized by our distribution partners and as well as integrators and security dealers for leadership and expertise – and for products of superior performance and reliability in more than 140 countries. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Canada and Italy and our teams of leading engineers and security experts are continuously developing the next innovations of quality, reliable security products. We are dedicated to achieving the most up-to-date ISO quality assurance standards and to Six Sigma methodology for superior product efficiency, performance and reliability. Technology and Experience – An Unbeatable Combination DSC puts forth an unbeatable combination of leading-edge technology and industry experience. The results are RELIABLE, FLEXIBLE, DURABLE security solutions of the highest QUALITY that are easy to install, easy to use, and are easily UPGRADEABLE. It’s simple. We know this space better than anyone. And we have for over 30 years. So, when you need exceptional security products that work when it matters most, look to DSC.



Pursuing Sustainability as Part of Top Management's Mission Picture: Fujitsu Limited President and Representative Director Tatsuya Tanaka President and Representative Director President and Representative Director Tatsuya Tanaka As a company, Fujitsu places people at the center of its business operations as part of our goal to create human happiness. The vision of the human centric innovation we seek is, "To firmly support an active society with Fujitsu's technology and services." I believe that to realize this, it is necessary to contribute to sustainable developments from three perspectives. The first is the sustainable development of Earth and mankind. With humans currently exerting an environmental burden on the Earth of approximately 1.5 planets, it is clear that society's development is not sustainable under current conditions. Furthermore, population influx to urban areas is accelerating. Problems such as energy shortages, air pollution, and developed countries' aging populations are becoming increasingly prominent. In order to leave behind an Earth where the next generation of people can live in happiness through the innovations created by ICT, productivity of society as a whole, including that of developing nations, must be improved. The second perspective is sustainable development within a digital society. ICT is a resource and it is invaluable for sustaining society and businesses. Just as clean water and stable energy provision are essential for people to live happily, resources such as personal information and business data must be handled appropriately in a digital society. As part of our corporate social responsibility as an ICT corporation, Fujitsu is working together with the relevant worldwide organizations to address problems such as cyber attacks in order to protect a reliable and safe telecommunications network environment. And the last perspective is Fujitsu's own sustainable developments. To gain a social license to operate, Fujitsu supports UN Global Compact's 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption as its signatory. Additionally, Fujitsu makes use of the ISO 26000 framework. We have adopted a Global Matrix structure and are devoting ourselves to the review and improvement of socially responsible activities with zero tolerance for exceptions. With these three perspectives in mind, I will hold us to the expectations and requests of our global customers and stakeholders, and will put into action business management that supports sustainable development.



Hikvision is the world's largest supplier of video surveillance products and solutions. The company specializes in video surveillance technology, as well as designing and manufacturing a full-line of innovative CCTV and video surveillance products. The product line ranges from cameras and DVRs to video management software. Since its inception in 2001, Hikvision has quickly achieved a leading worldwide market position in the security industry. Hikvision possess the world's largest R&D team and state-of-art manufacturing facilities; both allow Hikvision’s customers the benefit of world-class products that are designed with cutting-edge technology. As further commitment to its customers, Hikvision annually reinvests 8% of its revenue into R&D for continued product innovation and improvement. Hikvision operates over 30 domestic branches in China and 16 overseas regional subsidiaries all over the world to achieve a truly global presence. Hikvision is now publicly listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. For more information, please visit Hikvision’s website at



About Mitsubishi Electric Mitsubishi Electric is one of the world's leading names in the manufacture and sales of electrical and electronic products and systems used in a broad range of fields and applications. As a global, leading green company, we're applying our technologies to contribute to society and daily life around the world.



Pioneer of IP Innovation PLANET Technology Corporation is a leading global provider of IP-based networking products and solutions for small-to-medium-sized businesses, enterprises, and SOHO markets. With a strong mission to be a Pioneer of IP Innovation in the global market, PLANET designs, deploys and delivers innovative IP solutions with converged data, voice, and video deployment over the wide range of networking technologies. The company has also been demonstrating its consistent commitment to the role of global citizenship, besides its product innovations.


2N Telecomunications

Interfoane industriale, videointerfoane,


ROEL electronics este angajată în principal în cercetarea, dezvoltarea, designul, productia, distributia şi integrarea sistemelor si serviciilor de securitate de orice complexitate, destinate companiilor si institutiilor guvernamentale, precum si resedintelor. •Sisteme ptr detecţie şi avertizare la efracţie si incendiu cerber •Sisteme ptr control aces si pontaj cardax •Sisteme ptr supraveghere prin televiziune cu circuit inchis Xview •Monitorizarea sistemelor de avertizare la efracţie si incendiu Xguard •Sisteme de securitate electronica ptr autoturisme alcar cerber, cardax, Xview, Xguard si alcar sunt marci inregistrate ale ROEL electronics SA, la fel si sloganul "innovating for a safer life", ele fiind protejate de legile internationale si din Romania VIZIUNEA FIRMEI -de a fi cel mai inovativ producător şi integrator de sisteme de securitate din România -de a creste ponderea produselor de conceptie proprie oferite la export sub marcile inregistrate proprii sau in sistem OEM SCOPUL COMPANIEI •de a oferi sentimentul protecţiei prin produse şi servicii de cea mai bună calitate •oportunitati de afirmare tuturor angajatilor •valoarea optima pentru actionarii firmei •incredere pentru toti partenerii firmei



Corporate Overview Seagate is the global leader in data storage solutions, developing amazing products that enable people and businesses around the world to create, share and preserve their most critical memories and business data. Over the years the amount of information stored has grown from megabytes all the way to geopbytes, confirming the need to successfully store and access huge amounts of data. As demand for storage technology grows the need for greater efficiency and more advanced capabilities continues to evolve.



Sharp este unul dintre principalii dezvoltatori şi producători inovatori de tehnologie LCD şi solară, precum şi de componente electrotehnice în domeniul optoelectronicii şi al electronicii cu infraroşii şi memorii Flash. Principiul nostru de bază este „Onestitate şi creativitate”, însoţit de obiectivul clar de a îmbunătăţi calitatea vieţii oamenilor prin intermediul tehnologiilor ultramoderne. Rezultatul constă nu numai în produse unice, inovatoare, conform mottoului nostru, „Creăm produse pe care alţii doresc să le imite”, ci şi în stiluri de viaţă pentru secolul al XXI-lea. Încă de la înfiinţarea Sharp Electronics (Europa) GmbH (SEEG) în 1968, cu sediul la Hamburg, Sharp şi-a dezvoltat într-un ritm susţinut activităţile sale operaţionale în Europa. În ultimii patruzeci şi trei de ani, am ajuns să avem în total 17 baze, care cuprind 1 laborator, 3 unităţi de producţie, 11 filiale de vânzări şi 1 instituţie financiară. Cu o contribuție substanțială a întregii afaceri Sharp de peste ocean, Europa reprezintă una dintre cele mai importante piețe ale companiei noastre. Spectrul de produse variază de la produse electronice de consum (cu precădere televizoare LCD şi sisteme audio) şi electrocasnice (de ex., cuptoare cu microunde), sisteme de informaţii digitale (de ex., sisteme de copiere, multifuncţionale, PDA-uri) şi telefoane mobile la celule şi module solare. Mai mult, dezvoltarea tehnologiilor digitale de bază şi a componentelor pentru produse electronice (de ex., optoelectronice, componente cu infraroşii şi memorie Flash) ţine de competenţele fundamentale ale companiei Sharp. Scopul nostru este de a dezvolta şi extinde suplimentar importanţa Europei ca piaţă Sharp a viitorului pentru domenii fundamentale precum televizoare LCD, sisteme solare, componente şi soluţii pentru documente. Vă mulţumim pentru vizită. Hiroshi Sasaoka COO Sharp Europa Sharp este unul dintre principalii dezvoltatori şi producători inovatori de tehnologie LCD şi solară, precum şi de componente electrotehnice în domeniul optoelectronicii şi al electronicii cu infraroşii şi memorii Flash. Principiul nostru de bază este „Onestitate şi creativitate”, însoţit de obiectivul clar de a îmbunătăţi calitatea vieţii oamenilor prin intermediul tehnologiilor ultramoderne. Rezultatul constă nu numai în produse unice, inovatoare, conform mottoului nostru, „Creăm produse pe care alţii doresc să le imite”, ci şi în stiluri de viaţă pentru secolul al XXI-lea. Încă de la înfiinţarea Sharp Electronics (Europa) GmbH (SEEG) în 1968, cu sediul la Hamburg, Sharp şi-a dezvoltat într-un ritm susţinut activităţile sale operaţionale în Europa. În ultimii patruzeci şi trei de ani, am ajuns să avem în total 17 baze, care cuprind 1 laborator, 3 unităţi de producţie, 11 filiale de vânzări şi 1 instituţie financiară. Cu o contribuție substanțială a întregii afaceri Sharp de peste ocean, Europa reprezintă una dintre cele mai importante piețe ale companiei noastre. Spectrul de produse variază de la produse electronice de consum (cu precădere televizoare LCD şi sisteme audio) şi electrocasnice (de ex., cuptoare cu microunde), sisteme de informaţii digitale (de ex., sisteme de copiere, multifuncţionale, PDA-uri) şi telefoane mobile la celule şi module solare. Mai mult, dezvoltarea tehnologiilor digitale de bază şi a componentelor pentru produse electronice (de ex., optoelectronice, componente cu infraroşii şi memorie Flash) ţine de competenţele fundamentale ale companiei Sharp. Scopul nostru este de a dezvolta şi extinde suplimentar importanţa Europei ca piaţă Sharp a viitorului pentru domenii fundamentale precum televizoare LCD, sisteme solare, componente şi soluţii pentru documente. Vă mulţumim pentru vizită. Hiroshi Sasaoka COO Sharp Europa



La Sony, misiunea noastră este să fim o companie care inspiră şi vă satisface curiozitatea. Pasiunea noastră nesecată pentru tehnologie, conţinut şi servicii şi căutarea neobosită a inovaţiei ne motivează să oferim noi niveluri de intensitate şi modalităţi inovatoare de divertisment, aşa cum numai Sony poate. Creând culturi şi experienţe noi, unice. Tot ce facem este pentru a vă impresiona.


Tane alarm

Welcome to Tane Alarm Products Hello to all of our long time friends and first time visitors: The alarm professionals at TANE ALARM PRODUCTS® know that the first line of defense in a burglar alarm system is the magnetic alarm contact. The integrity of the entire alarm system depends on the quality and dependability of each individual alarm contact. Failure is not an option when safety and security are at stake. TANE ALARM PRODUCTS® has been manufacturing magnetic alarm contacts since 1984, combining the highest quality electromechanical reed switches with high power magnets in our wholly American owned and operated factory, located in Suzhou, China. Our factory is ISO-9001 and ISO-14001 certified for manufacturing quality and efficiency. Independently conducted endurance tests confirm that our alarm contacts perform error free for over 400,000,000 cycles, and more importantly, they operate flawlessly at the most critical moment when a break in occurs, even after those contacts have been idle for many years. Our total control of the production process and the quality assurance procedures we incorporate into every stage of production, allow us to confidently back our alarm contacts with our industry leading TANE ALARM PRODUCTS® Guarantee. TANE ALARM PRODUCTS® is headquartered in New Hyde Park, New York, U.S.A. We offer direct shipping throughout the world from our warehouses located in New York and China. Our distributors and representatives are located throughout North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa. All of our sales associates and our engineers are available to assist you by phone, fax or email. We are dedicated to providing you with the quality alarm contacts that you and your customers need.





Bosch technology is designed to fascinate, as well as to improve quality of life. Our latest annual report shows how we achieve these aims. It presents not only our business figures, but also exciting, interactive stories about people from different walks of life, cultures, and regions.



ABOUT BELKIN INTERNATIONAL At Belkin International, we create products that help people realize the power of technology and make people’s lives better, easier and more fulfilling. This has been Belkin’s mission since our inception in 1983. Belkin was founded by CEO, Chet Pipkin, in his parent’s garage. Even back then, Chet’s passion was driven by solving customer’s needs. He manufactured computer cable assemblies in the evenings and on weekends, and sold them to local computer manufacturers and dealers in response to the burgeoning personal computer market in the 1980’s. Since then, we’ve kept our southern California origins and are based in Playa Vista, right in the heart of the Los Angeles tech center. Today, Belkin International has three brands – Belkin, Linksys and WeMo – to enhance the technology that connects us to the people, activities and experiences we love. Belkin products are renowned for their simplicity and ease of use, while our Linksys brand helped make wireless connectivity mainstream around the globe. Our newest brand, WeMo, is the leader in delivering customizable smart home experiences. Its product platform empowers people to monitor, measure and manager their electronics, appliances and lighting at home and on-the-go. We invite you to connect with us on social media pages for any of our brands at:





Produs denumit cu un nume dat de catre importator





Producator accesorii ăentru porti




Master Connectors

Producator mufe de calitate



Cablu coaxial de calitate


itc Audio

Echipamente audio pentru adresare publica



Optex Co., Ltd. și-a început activitatea ca membru al Grupului Optex pe 1 ianuarie 2017.Am furnizat no.1 produse și servicii de nișă globale lumii cu tehnologia noastră de detectare care a fost rafinată de la înființarea sa și capacitățile sale dezvoltate pentru a rezolva provocările în medii specifice site-ului sau scopul de utilizare.
Astăzi, pe măsură ce datele obținute de la senzori au devenit un factor indispensabil în industrie, conștientizarea valorii sale a crescut continuu. Senzorii și internetul pot fi conectate cu ușurință acum datorită dezvoltării și difuzării TIC, IoT și Cloud computing, care ne-au adus mari oportunități de a ne extinde domeniul de afaceri ca producător de senzori. În mijlocul acestei schimbări de mediu, ne vom concentra pe un model de afaceri bazat pe propuneri de soluții, utilizând datele senzorilor, pe lângă furnizarea de produse existente ca înainte. În plus, ne vom accelera strategia de creștere, nu de unul singur, ci prin formarea de alianțe sau prin colaborarea tehnologică cu alte companii. Mai exact, vom depune toate eforturile pentru a realiza soluții cu partenerii noștri, pentru a stabili și a realiza diverse soluții împreună, pentru a implementa eficiența gestionării, controlul, analiza fiecărei situații, îmbunătățirea serviciilor etc., conectând tehnologia și modelele de afaceri și pentru a afla nevoile esențiale și pentru a identifica "ceea ce este necesar" pentru rezolvarea provocărilor. , "Ce oferă tehnologia de detectare?", etc.

De asemenea, ne vom extinde concentreze față de produse și servicii și vom avansa cu conectarea la date în sistemele de bază și în marketingul digital, astfel încât să putem realiza rapid o afacere globală și să ne consolidăm marketingul.

Acum, începem noua noastră etapă. OPTEX se angajează să contribuie la creșterea globală și la dezvoltarea afacerilor ca un grup care se străduiește să creeze un viitor mai bun prin eforturile sale de a crea un Societatea.

OPTEX CO., LTD. Presedinte / CEO


Pro Smart

ProSmart AD is committed to developing IoT solutions that help people use energy smarter and enjoy greater comfort in their lives. The company was founded in 2014 with production and development based completely in Bulgaria. We are a B2B company that operates extensively on the European and Russian markets, but we have developed partnerships in parts of the world like Australia, the USA, Mexico and others. Our international activity, together with the strong focus on R&D, help our company to introduce products up to the latest trends in the IoT at revolunationary price.



TRENDnet's vision is to build innovative, easy to use, and reliable Networks People Trust™. TRENDnet solutions network the countless devices which enable your connected lifestyle and workplace. Building award winning networking solutions since 1990, TRENDnet connects you with what you value most.

Founded in Torrance, California, TRENDnet has grown to become a leading global networking hardware brand. From the network core to the periphery, TRENDnet's expansive product portfolio includes Wireless, Wired, Surveillance, Connectivity, and Peripheral device categories. An emphasis on continual improvement and our ISO9001:2015 quality management certification (click here to view certificate) is an essential component of TRENDnet’s success. The TRENDnet brand is consistently recognized for exceptional quality, superior performance, and responsive support.



Produse in Franta



Produse smart home


Tell security systems

TELL Security Systems SRL was established in 2012, having as main objective the commercialization of GPS monitoring systems for motor vehicles and the measurement of fuel by means of liters and other security equipment. Our company is the sole distributor of Tell Software Hungaria Kft products on both GPS tracking and GSM and GPRS communications. Currently, we have about 18000 GPS monitoring units produced by our Hungarian factory and more than 10000 fuel probes which are produced in Brasov, Romania.

Our company's activities focus on the data security technology segment. Our products are based on GSM / GPRS communication opportunities. By using mobile internet technology, we develop and produce products capable of meeting the diverse needs of our partners. Among other things, we mention: fire protection systems, alarm systems, remote monitoring of motor vehicles and industrial equipment.

Our product range includes remote monitoring service, providing all the necessary items from terminal equipment to host software. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of customer needs, therefore product development is made according to these requirements. For our partners, we offer differentiated systems that allow a wide range of services, from the surveillance of one or more locations, or even a whole area of a country.

Our products and services are redeemed through the distribution network and directly to the final customers. The installation, commissioning and maintenance of the equipment is ensured at the national network level.

We support our partners in domestic competition through personalized business opportunities. Our offers are present in traditional asset purchase systems, long-term lease agreements. Right from the start of our remote monitoring activities, our unconditional collaboration is ensured. As part of a complete management system, for the depreciation of investment costs, a proportional fee system ensures a normal sales construction.

Our communications partners are Vodafone and Orange, which provides TELL products with an attractive price on the market.

In addition to the domestic market, we are present in 20 other countries, where we mainly offer remote fleet monitoring services through GPS, as a licensed partner map, Google Inc. Our products are manufactured under the ISO 9001 and 27001 quality standards and meet the OKF certified fire protection standards. Since 2014, TELL Security Systems has switched to autochthon production of lithium meters, anti-theft caps and temperature sensors.

Like other manufacturers in the industry, we try to offer high quality products to our customers and to meet our hardware and software partners' needs as quickly as possible, in line with new trends on market. We currently have good collaborations with renowned companies both in Romania and abroad. These links have been created thanks to a good understanding and timely response to the wishes and needs of the partners.

Our history is written every day with every kilometer traveled by each vehicle that is complemented by one of TELL Security Systems products, but especially the team that will be available to write history with you.



Optical Communications

Corning invented the world’s first low-loss optical fiber in 1970. Since that milestone, we have continued to pioneer optical fiber, cable, and connectivity solutions.

As global bandwidth demand driven by video usage grows exponentially, telecommunications networks continue to migrate from copper to optical-based systems that can deliver the required cost-effective bandwidth-carrying capacity. Our experience puts us in a unique position to design and deliver optical solutions that reach every edge of the communications network.

This segment is classified into two main product groupings – carrier network and enterprise network. The carrier network group consists primarily of products and solutions for optical-based communications infrastructure for services such as video, data, and voice communications. The enterprise network group consists primarily of optical-based communication networks sold to businesses, governments, and individuals for their own use.


Comunello Automatition



It’s more than 50 years since our founder, Vittorio Comunello, started on his pioneering adventure to build a company for the production of components for sliding gates. The company was an instant success and has maintained its reputation and market position based on innovative solutions and an unrivalled reputation for absolute quality.
50 years of precision in the manufacture of perfect components, maintaining pace with the evolution of the most advanced technologies while guaranteeing complete security and safety.


An engineering company founded in 1965 by Vittorio Comunello based in Bassano del Grappa. Now run by the second generation: Franco, Silvia and Luca.


Since 1965 every single product is 100% made in Italy at Comunello Group premises.


The company has always used certified control systems and materials of the highest quality for outstanding reliability and cast-iron guarantees.



Producator de feronerie pentru porti si garduri.

Produsele sunt fabricate in Turcia


Westech solar

About us

We, the company Westech-Solar Energy GmbH, are based in Planegg near Munich. Our knowledge is based on more than 10 years of experience in the field of renewable energies. We would like to share this experience with you and provide you with high-quality products.

Our employees work from Germany and Austria to assist you as a competent and reliable partner. Our goal is to provide products that allow you to generate your own energy. Thanks to the ongoing optimization of our product range, we are able to react to trends and respond specifically to your needs.

Our philosophy

Our passion is devices for the generation of regenerative energies. The distribution of high-quality products from the field of renewable energies is one of our core competencies. We rely on both mobile and stationary applications. For us it is important to provide products for energy generation for you.

The alignment of our business activities to your wishes and needs is important to us. We attach great importance to customer orientation in order to provide you with the right products for you in the best possible way. We accompany you from the search for information to ordering and delivery.



Producator invertoare fotovoltaice



Ubiquiti, Inc. currently focuses on 3 main technologies: high-capacity distributed Internet access, unified information technology, and next-gen consumer electronics for home and personal use. The majority of the company’s resources consist of entrepreneurial and de-centralized R&D teams. Ubiquiti does not employ a traditional direct sales force, but instead drives brand awareness largely through the company’s user community where customers can interface directly with R&D, marketing, and support. With over 70 million devices shipped in over 200 countries and territories in the world, Ubiquiti aims to connect everyone to everything, everywhere. Ubiquiti was founded by former Apple engineer Robert Pera in 2005. More insight about the company management can be found at



KMW Systems pune într-un raport optim ideea de securitate coroborată cu tehnologia de ultimă generație pentru ca tu să fii mereu sigur că ai făcut cea mai bună alegere. 



HOPPECKE - Your expert for industrial battery systems

In this world where everything is going electric, HOPPECKE is your solution partner for a sustainable and technology-independent energy supply. Because our customers have the choice: whether lead-acid, nickel fibre structure (FNC®) or lithium-ion. HOPPECKE has all relevant storage technologies in its portfolio. Our comprehensive range of products, consulting and services offers solutions for your requirements and challenges in the areas of: 


Emission-free drives for industrial trucks and machines (trak)
Secure power supply for data centres, IT and telecommunication systems (grid)
Storage of renewable energies for off-grid and on-grid applications (sun)
Safeguarding and propulsion of railway and metro systems (rail).


With headquarters in Brilon-Hoppecke and 22 international subsidiaries, more than 2,000 employees worldwide belong to the HOPPECKE family. Today, HOPPECKE is Europe's largest privately owned manufacturer of industrial batteries.



Yuasa Battery, Inc. has been manufacturing powersports batteries in the United States to uncompromisingly high standards since 1979. We are the largest American manufacturer and distributor of batteries for motorcycles, snowmobiles, scooters, all terrain vehicles, side by sides and personal watercraft.







Producator de baterii





Echipamente pt distributia semnalului TV



accesorii TV



accesorii TV



aparate de aer conditionat
