Compania DORMA este un partener global de încredere pentru soluții şi servicii de acces premium pentru clădiri mai bune. În segmentele de business cu sisteme de control pentru uşi, pereți mobili și accesorii din sticlă compania este una dintre cele mai bune din lume. Tradiție & tehnologie. Service & securitate. Competență & confort. Indiferent de aplicaţia în care doriţi să folosiţi ușa, compania DORMA are sistemul potrivit pentru a o acţiona.
Telcoma / Cardin
Din 1972 Telcoma Automations proiecteaza, produce si distribuie sisteme de automatizare pentru porti si usi de garaj.
In 2011 Tecoma devine parte din grupul Riello Electronica si-si schimba denumirea din Telcoma in Cardin. Astfel, produsele similare care inainte se numeau Telcoma, acum au o noua denumire. Chiar daca la noi pe site apare moua denumire sau cea veche, produsele sunt identice si perfect compatibile. Unele produse apar cu vechea denumire pentru a ajuta clientul final sa-si gaseasca mai usor produsul dorit
Roger Technology
PROFILUL COMPANIEI Cu peste 25 de ani de experientă Roger Technology este una dintre cele mai importante companii italiene. MISIUNEA COMPANIEI Misiunea principală Roger Technology este de a oferi o gamă completă de soluții și produse care datorită organizării interne îi permite să proiecteze, dezvolte și să ofere pieței o gamă largă de sisteme integrate pentru domeniul "Home Automations".
Life Home Integration
The company, born in 2001, operates in the electronic and information fields and is specialized in electronic designing and manufacturing, and software/system consulting. Specifically, they operates as: manufacturer of electronic devices designed by them (i.e. receivers, door openers, remote control duplicators) OEM manufacturer electronic boards designer for several different fields, from analog to digital, from DC to microwave: they are specialized in microcontroller boards for high volume production, usign Holtek and Freescale MCUs installer of information-technology systems based on Linux® with email, fax, groupware, file, ftp, web, database, proxy, firewall, Quality of Service, ... installer of AsterTel PBX, a PBX based on Asterisk® which full-support VoIP technologies.
via Santa Croce 15
31053 Pieve di Soligo
SVT Electronics
Combi Arialdo
Conlan Danemarca
Tane alarm
Elektromaten gfa
Producator motoare pentru usi de garaj
Optex Co., Ltd. și-a început activitatea ca membru al Grupului Optex pe 1 ianuarie 2017.Am furnizat no.1 produse și servicii de nișă globale lumii cu tehnologia noastră de detectare care a fost rafinată de la înființarea sa și capacitățile sale dezvoltate pentru a rezolva provocările în medii specifice site-ului sau scopul de utilizare.
Astăzi, pe măsură ce datele obținute de la senzori au devenit un factor indispensabil în industrie, conștientizarea valorii sale a crescut continuu. Senzorii și internetul pot fi conectate cu ușurință acum datorită dezvoltării și difuzării TIC, IoT și Cloud computing, care ne-au adus mari oportunități de a ne extinde domeniul de afaceri ca producător de senzori. În mijlocul acestei schimbări de mediu, ne vom concentra pe un model de afaceri bazat pe propuneri de soluții, utilizând datele senzorilor, pe lângă furnizarea de produse existente ca înainte. În plus, ne vom accelera strategia de creștere, nu de unul singur, ci prin formarea de alianțe sau prin colaborarea tehnologică cu alte companii. Mai exact, vom depune toate eforturile pentru a realiza soluții cu partenerii noștri, pentru a stabili și a realiza diverse soluții împreună, pentru a implementa eficiența gestionării, controlul, analiza fiecărei situații, îmbunătățirea serviciilor etc., conectând tehnologia și modelele de afaceri și pentru a afla nevoile esențiale și pentru a identifica "ceea ce este necesar" pentru rezolvarea provocărilor. , "Ce oferă tehnologia de detectare?", etc.
De asemenea, ne vom extinde concentreze față de produse și servicii și vom avansa cu conectarea la date în sistemele de bază și în marketingul digital, astfel încât să putem realiza rapid o afacere globală și să ne consolidăm marketingul.
Acum, începem noua noastră etapă. OPTEX se angajează să contribuie la creșterea globală și la dezvoltarea afacerilor ca un grup care se străduiește să creeze un viitor mai bun prin eforturile sale de a crea un Societatea.
OPTEX CO., LTD. Presedinte / CEO
Pro Smart
ProSmart AD is committed to developing IoT solutions that help people use energy smarter and enjoy greater comfort in their lives. The company was founded in 2014 with production and development based completely in Bulgaria. We are a B2B company that operates extensively on the European and Russian markets, but we have developed partnerships in parts of the world like Australia, the USA, Mexico and others. Our international activity, together with the strong focus on R&D, help our company to introduce products up to the latest trends in the IoT at revolunationary price.
TRENDnet's vision is to build innovative, easy to use, and reliable Networks People Trust™. TRENDnet solutions network the countless devices which enable your connected lifestyle and workplace. Building award winning networking solutions since 1990, TRENDnet connects you with what you value most.
Founded in Torrance, California, TRENDnet has grown to become a leading global networking hardware brand. From the network core to the periphery, TRENDnet's expansive product portfolio includes Wireless, Wired, Surveillance, Connectivity, and Peripheral device categories. An emphasis on continual improvement and our ISO9001:2015 quality management certification (click here to view certificate) is an essential component of TRENDnet’s success. The TRENDnet brand is consistently recognized for exceptional quality, superior performance, and responsive support.
Tell security systems
TELL Security Systems SRL was established in 2012, having as main objective the commercialization of GPS monitoring systems for motor vehicles and the measurement of fuel by means of liters and other security equipment. Our company is the sole distributor of Tell Software Hungaria Kft products on both GPS tracking and GSM and GPRS communications. Currently, we have about 18000 GPS monitoring units produced by our Hungarian factory and more than 10000 fuel probes which are produced in Brasov, Romania.
Our company's activities focus on the data security technology segment. Our products are based on GSM / GPRS communication opportunities. By using mobile internet technology, we develop and produce products capable of meeting the diverse needs of our partners. Among other things, we mention: fire protection systems, alarm systems, remote monitoring of motor vehicles and industrial equipment.
Our product range includes remote monitoring service, providing all the necessary items from terminal equipment to host software. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of customer needs, therefore product development is made according to these requirements. For our partners, we offer differentiated systems that allow a wide range of services, from the surveillance of one or more locations, or even a whole area of a country.
Our products and services are redeemed through the distribution network and directly to the final customers. The installation, commissioning and maintenance of the equipment is ensured at the national network level.
We support our partners in domestic competition through personalized business opportunities. Our offers are present in traditional asset purchase systems, long-term lease agreements. Right from the start of our remote monitoring activities, our unconditional collaboration is ensured. As part of a complete management system, for the depreciation of investment costs, a proportional fee system ensures a normal sales construction.
Our communications partners are Vodafone and Orange, which provides TELL products with an attractive price on the market.
In addition to the domestic market, we are present in 20 other countries, where we mainly offer remote fleet monitoring services through GPS, as a licensed partner map, Google Inc. Our products are manufactured under the ISO 9001 and 27001 quality standards and meet the OKF certified fire protection standards. Since 2014, TELL Security Systems has switched to autochthon production of lithium meters, anti-theft caps and temperature sensors.
Like other manufacturers in the industry, we try to offer high quality products to our customers and to meet our hardware and software partners' needs as quickly as possible, in line with new trends on market. We currently have good collaborations with renowned companies both in Romania and abroad. These links have been created thanks to a good understanding and timely response to the wishes and needs of the partners.
Our history is written every day with every kilometer traveled by each vehicle that is complemented by one of TELL Security Systems products, but especially the team that will be available to write history with you.
Optical Communications
Corning invented the world’s first low-loss optical fiber in 1970. Since that milestone, we have continued to pioneer optical fiber, cable, and connectivity solutions.
As global bandwidth demand driven by video usage grows exponentially, telecommunications networks continue to migrate from copper to optical-based systems that can deliver the required cost-effective bandwidth-carrying capacity. Our experience puts us in a unique position to design and deliver optical solutions that reach every edge of the communications network.
This segment is classified into two main product groupings – carrier network and enterprise network. The carrier network group consists primarily of products and solutions for optical-based communications infrastructure for services such as video, data, and voice communications. The enterprise network group consists primarily of optical-based communication networks sold to businesses, governments, and individuals for their own use.
Comunello Automatition
It’s more than 50 years since our founder, Vittorio Comunello, started on his pioneering adventure to build a company for the production of components for sliding gates. The company was an instant success and has maintained its reputation and market position based on innovative solutions and an unrivalled reputation for absolute quality.
50 years of precision in the manufacture of perfect components, maintaining pace with the evolution of the most advanced technologies while guaranteeing complete security and safety.
An engineering company founded in 1965 by Vittorio Comunello based in Bassano del Grappa. Now run by the second generation: Franco, Silvia and Luca.
Since 1965 every single product is 100% made in Italy at Comunello Group premises.
The company has always used certified control systems and materials of the highest quality for outstanding reliability and cast-iron guarantees.
Producator de feronerie pentru porti si garduri.
Produsele sunt fabricate in Turcia
Westech solar
About us
We, the company Westech-Solar Energy GmbH, are based in Planegg near Munich. Our knowledge is based on more than 10 years of experience in the field of renewable energies. We would like to share this experience with you and provide you with high-quality products.
Our employees work from Germany and Austria to assist you as a competent and reliable partner. Our goal is to provide products that allow you to generate your own energy. Thanks to the ongoing optimization of our product range, we are able to react to trends and respond specifically to your needs.
Our philosophy
Our passion is devices for the generation of regenerative energies. The distribution of high-quality products from the field of renewable energies is one of our core competencies. We rely on both mobile and stationary applications. For us it is important to provide products for energy generation for you.
The alignment of our business activities to your wishes and needs is important to us. We attach great importance to customer orientation in order to provide you with the right products for you in the best possible way. We accompany you from the search for information to ordering and delivery.
Ubiquiti, Inc. currently focuses on 3 main technologies: high-capacity distributed Internet access, unified information technology, and next-gen consumer electronics for home and personal use. The majority of the company’s resources consist of entrepreneurial and de-centralized R&D teams. Ubiquiti does not employ a traditional direct sales force, but instead drives brand awareness largely through the company’s user community where customers can interface directly with R&D, marketing, and support. With over 70 million devices shipped in over 200 countries and territories in the world, Ubiquiti aims to connect everyone to everything, everywhere. Ubiquiti was founded by former Apple engineer Robert Pera in 2005. More insight about the company management can be found at
KMW Systems pune într-un raport optim ideea de securitate coroborată cu tehnologia de ultimă generație pentru ca tu să fii mereu sigur că ai făcut cea mai bună alegere.
HOPPECKE - Your expert for industrial battery systems
Yuasa Battery, Inc. has been manufacturing powersports batteries in the United States to uncompromisingly high standards since 1979. We are the largest American manufacturer and distributor of batteries for motorcycles, snowmobiles, scooters, all terrain vehicles, side by sides and personal watercraft.